Nourishing Yoga Moves:
A Guided Practice series

Nourishing Yoga Moves’ is a series of 6 online Yoga classes for you to practice with me, Sam Loe, in your own time, in your own home.

By signing up to this series, you will receive access to:

  • 6 x 1 hour Online Yoga Classes
  • 6 x illustrated PDF handouts and related resources to support your practice
  • As much time as you need to complete and revisit the classes

The classes were filmed live from my home studio, delivered as a course to participants around the world.  I received such generous feedback that I now want to make these classes available on an ongoing basis.

Here is a short video outlining what is covered in the 6 sessions.

Over the course of the 6 weeks, Sam took us through a delightful journey into wholeness. We explored all the ranges of human movement and tapped into our somatic wisdom so that we may meet our needs and nourish ourselves through our practice, it was a really well-designed course especially for those looking to develop a self-practice.

Along the way Sam provided us with beautiful handouts and lovely mini practices for the week, a generous offer for us grateful students.

Charlotte, Hong Kong

In my normal life it is very difficult to get to in person Yoga classes and even if I were able to do this I have only found this kind of information in one off workshops/retreats rather than part of a class structure.

It feels like you have taken things to a whole new level and for the led classes I am loving the way you built the series from the ground up.

Ngaire, NZ

What an enriching course you have facilitated! The extra resources you have shared have been so valuable as well. I love the evolutionary journey (for want of a better word) that you have lead us on through this course Sam.

Steph, Nelson

Sam Loe Green Header Logo

The Classes

My approach to practice and teaching is highly influenced by many years of somatic and inquiry based study with Donna Farhi as well as the non-dual teachings of iRest and Dr.Richard Miller. I bring together mindful, restorative movement, creativity and self-inquiry in my teaching.

The classes in this series follow a kind of evolutionary journey starting with ground based explorations before moving to sitting, standing and walking.

Week 1 – Ground of Ease

Week 2 – Spinal Nourishment

Week 3 – Are you Sitting Comfortably?

Week 4 – Standing Upright

Week 5 – Walking the Earth

Week 6 – Resting in Wholeness

The benefit of doing the recorded classes is that you can do them in your own time and pace; one every day for 6 days or once a week for 6 weeks!

Every week the summary of each class and inspiration for your practice on and off the mat is provided with an illustrated 3-4 page pdf handout.

Complete the form below to gain access to the Nourishing Yoga Moves Online Course.