Articles To Inspire Your Yoga


Body Over Mind

Body Over Mind

There’s an age-old dualism in many cultures between psyche and soma, but especially in the West. This separation has also affected science, medicine and religion and, as the art critic, feminist philosopher and essayist Siri Hustvedt repeatedly points out, we continue...

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The Yoga Journey as a Mountain Hike

The Yoga Journey as a Mountain Hike

Whenever I feel lost or stuck in my practice and there isn’t a peer or a teacher around to talk with I return back to the ancient handbook on yoga practice; Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It is a non-dogmatic text and doesn’t say that we must practice particular poses and...

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The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening

Listening is definitely an art, one in reflecting and mirroring, and hopefully one that I am improving through practicing and teaching yoga. Recently I have had a number of experiences where I just don’t feel heard. Do you ever get that feeling when you’re...

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Creating an Island of Calm
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Creating an Island of Calm

What would it take for you to feel calm, secure and at ease in this very moment? In other words the feeling of just being yourself, just as you are. Perhaps these qualities are already present right now? If that is the case notice the sensations and feelings in...

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Map of Being: Joy!

Map of Being: Joy!

Familiarising ourselves with all of our beautiful Koshic layers we can move beyond our conditioning. We can view the comings and goings of the positive and negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs by also connecting with the realm of unconditional joy and bliss that...

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Map of Being: Our Beliefs

Map of Being: Our Beliefs

This post continues on the journey of the Koshas as I explore Vijnanamaya. This sheath takes us further into the subtleties of the mind. Manomaya, the previous sheath, is the gross and tangible mind that is fed through the senses. Vijnanamaya is even more intangible....

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Map of Being: Feeling and Emotions

Map of Being: Feeling and Emotions

As we continue into the more subtle realms of the Yoga Journey, feelings and emotions will arise. This is a great opportunity to meet and greet ourselves just as we are and give these parts of ourselves some time to be seen so that anything that isn’t...

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Map of Being: The Energy Body

Map of Being: The Energy Body

Once we have connected with and nourished the physical body, the Annamaya, which I wrote about last week we can begin to access the more subtle realm of the Energy Body known in Yoga as Pranamaya. When we feel into the Pranamaya sheath we can connect with the...

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