Sam Loe Yoga Logo

Move Kindly, Breathe Freely, Rest Deeply

Nurturing and restorative yoga classes, workshops and retreats for meeting stress, burnout, chronic health conditions and developing a compassionate and renewing personal practice.

Restore your Self:
The Heart and Soul of
Yoga Nidra

Nourishing Yoga Moves:
A Guided Practice series

Self-Practice Sangha:
Weekly Community

Practice Rest Now

Chronic Illness and Free Yoga Nidra Class with Sam Loe

iRest Meditation on Personal Wellbeing

40 mins
Chronic Illness and Free Yoga Nidra Class with Sam Loe

The Perfect Pause

35 mins
Yoga Nidra For Travel with Sam Loe

Yoga Nidra For Travel

25 mins
Rest and Digest Meditation with Sam Loe

Rest & Digest

25 mins
Rest and Digest Meditation with Sam Loe

Yoga Nidra Postcard from Tonga

24 mins
Rest and Digest Meditation with Sam Loe

Inner Resource During Challenging Times

14 mins
Rest and Digest Meditation with Sam Loe

iRest: The Art of Falling Awake

42 mins
Rest and Digest Meditation with Sam Loe

Interior Body Yoga Nidra

32 mins
Autumn Meditation with Sam Loe

Autumn Meditation

18 mins
Solstice Nidra In Nature with Sam Loe

Solstice Nidra In Nature

24 mins
Chronic Illness and Free Yoga Nidra Class with Sam Loe

Chronic Illness & Yoga Nidra

10 mins
Your Own Personal Weather Report with Sam Loe

Your Own Personal Weather Report

10 mins

Gentle Practices For You

Slowing Your Sun Salutes with Sam Loe

Breathe Easy Class

40 mins
Slowing Your Sun Salutes with Sam Loe

Lung Elixir

Side-Lying Restorative
Slowing Your Sun Salutes with Sam Loe

Hibernation Relaxation

Legs Up
Slowing Your Sun Salutes with Sam Loe

Slowing Your Sun Salutes

13 mins
Slowing Your Sun Salutes with Sam Loe

Earth Salute

Grounded flow
Slowing Your Sun Salutes with Sam Loe

Spinal Floss

20 min practice
Constructive Rest with Sam Loe

Constructive Rest Position

16 mins
Sam Loe - Breath Reset

Breath Reset

In Constructive Rest
Sam Loe - Three Blankets

Three Minute Restoratives

Using just three blankets
Your Own Personal Weather Report with Sam Loe

Your Own Personal Weather Report

10 mins
Sam loe - Family Yoga

Family Yoga

25 min practice
Sam loe - Chronic Illness and Yoga

Chronic Illness & Yoga Nidra

30 min practice
Sam Loe - Pregnancy Posture

Pregnancy Yoga

40 min posture practice
Sam Loe - Pregnancy Relaxation

Pregnancy Yoga

12 min relaxation practice
Sam Loe - Pregnancy Yoga - Preparing for Labour

Pregnancy Yoga

42 min Preparing for Labour
Sam Loe Yoga Logo

About Sam Loe

  • —  Facilitator of Yoga Nidra + meditative inquiry
  • —  Teacher of movement and breathing practices
  • —  Educator of Yoga history + philosophy
  • —  Curator of retreats + resting spaces
  • —  Painter + Artist

Blog | Articles | Practices
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Explore my library of musings on all things Yoga from philosophy to poetry, tuning into nature and the seasons as well as suggestions and offerings to nurture your practice of movement, breathing and rest.

Nest for Rest
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Nest for Rest

Women gathered, rested and connected as I guided a sequence based on the nest painting I made and this beautiful poem by Mary Oliver. It was such a potent gathering and felt like we were laying down the foundations for a year of tuning into the seasons as a guiding...

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Create a Clearing

Create a Clearing

I’ve been taking a pause from teaching Yoga and everything that goes with it like emails, facebook, marketing and planning classes and events. It’s been a much-needed time to turn towards myself and listen inwardly without having to hold space for others. So many...

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Family Yoga

Family Yoga

This boy and this dog and I have put together a family yoga class for you as we go into alert level 3 here in NZ. Alert level 3 will see some commercial changes and a few kids will go back to school but for many of us it’s the same routine of being at home with family...

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