There’s a moment when we wake up as well as when we fall asleep, before we are unconscious or fully alert that is a gateway into the state of pure conscious ‘Being’. The trick is to be awake enough to notice it but asleep enough so that the...
Articles To Inspire Your Yoga
Philosophy, Practices, Resting
What would it take for you to feel calm, secure and at ease in this very moment? In other words the feeling of just being yourself, just as you are. Perhaps these qualities are already present right now? If that is the case notice the sensations and feelings in...
Practices, Resting, Seasons, Winter
Seemingly the easiest pose, Savasana or Corpse pose takes a whole lifetime to master. It has become more and more important in my own practice. I used to rely on the teacher guiding me through but now I am able to find my way into relaxation without getting distracted...